I WILL WRITE YOU A 🔥SONG Ghost Writer, No Credits Required for $100

In Songwriters By ohsantos666

I WILL WRITE YOU A 🔥SONG Ghost Writer, No Credits Required for $100

I will write "fire" music for you in any genre. I'm actually a pretty versatile writer. I've written for lady gaga ai, if you know who that is. here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=bhdJxJg6d7U

If you want something simpler than the words in the ai song, you can actually request shorter words for your song after you purchase it.

The song in the soundcloud link is a rap song freestyled by me btw.

  • Rap
  • R&B
  • Rock
  • Reggae
  • Trap
  • Techno

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