Ami Yares is the offspring of the Jersey suburbs and raised in the echo of the Liberty Bell, only to find his voice on the shores of the Mediterranean. “Yares wields his 12-string guitar as if it were an entire orchestra, backing his vocals with a dense, rich cascade of sound " (David Foster, AXS). Influenced by the spectrum of Americana music, Ami's music merges his Jersey roots into...
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Ami Yares is the offspring of the Jersey suburbs and raised in the echo of the Liberty Bell, only to find his voice on the shores of the Mediterranean. “Yares wields his 12-string guitar as if it were an entire orchestra, backing his vocals with a dense, rich cascade of sound " (David Foster, AXS). Influenced by the spectrum of Americana music, Ami's music merges his Jersey roots into Middle Eastern culture in a yet-to-be-named fusion of styles. Yares has performed across the world on stages and seeks out ways to bridge communities in conflict that seek a better future.

Ami released his first solo album in 2018 called, Begin to Begin Again. The five-track EP featured original tracks supported by another Philadelphia favorite, Ross Bellenoit. Up until the album’s release, Ami had been the primary songwriter is the band HOLLER!, a Israeli-based bluegrass and Americana group as well the Brothers Yares, an acoustic duo featuring Ami’s brother, Gavri Tov.

You can also find Ami’s hands behind the production of such projects as “the Promised Land,” the first Hebrew language tribute to the Grateful Dead that featured (strangely enough) Sagol 59, an Israeli rapper. Ami also helped produce, We Make the Road by Walking, featuring musicians from Israel, West Bank/ Palestine, Jordan, Gaza, and the United States. His peace buildings efforts have also led him to shared performances with Peter Yarrow (of Peter, Paul and Mary), Israeli singer Achninoam Nini (Noa) and Palestinian singer, Mira Awad. Ami’s attention is now turned toward his sophomore release.

Ami truly believes music to be a conduit for hope and healing on and off the stage, finding comfort in both classrooms and concerts. For Ami, it is a privilege and responsibility to follow the muse of music and justice, together.

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