Born and raised in Motown, former native Detroiter Brandy Faye Hawkins is a singer, songwriter, and visual artist. Singing since the tender age of two, Brandy has cultivated a love of music, art, and creative crafting & design. For Ms. Hawkins, music has been a family endeavor, instilled in her by her father, guitarist, singer/songwriter, and producer, Anthony "Wolff" Hawkins from th...
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Born and raised in Motown, former native Detroiter Brandy Faye Hawkins is a singer, songwriter, and visual artist. Singing since the tender age of two, Brandy has cultivated a love of music, art, and creative crafting & design. For Ms. Hawkins, music has been a family endeavor, instilled in her by her father, guitarist, singer/songwriter, and producer, Anthony "Wolff" Hawkins from the Black Merda Band. She is currently recording, performing, and recording with a focus on continuing to hone her vocal and artistic skills.
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