David Burk, born in the badlands of Montana, was raised in Bozeman, a college town nestled amidst four mountain ranges. He first found inspiration from his Mother & Nana, his grandmother/musician, who often gathered the family around a guitar or piano. David, having gone through immense struggles and identity, found solace in the music that touched on hope and human emotion. Instead of being ...
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David Burk, born in the badlands of Montana, was raised in Bozeman, a college town nestled amidst four mountain ranges. He first found inspiration from his Mother & Nana, his grandmother/musician, who often gathered the family around a guitar or piano. David, having gone through immense struggles and identity, found solace in the music that touched on hope and human emotion. Instead of being overrun by the grips of fear, doubt & shame he let the music breathe hope into his own adversities.

David’s music is fueled by his everyday challenges of being a hard-working nurse, raising four boys and also struggling with the pain of gender identity. He previously lived as a woman for a few years as he wrestled to understand, accept and uncover his true identity. He has harnessed an authentic sound with masculine intonations, haunting resonance and story-telling that soothe. His eclectic taste in music & being a self-taught vocalist, pianist & guitarist has aided him in creating his own sound as he stepped forth onto the musical frontier. Satisfaction in his craft truly comes from seeing his music and vocals give hope to people of all walks.

For all those who have ever known the darkness of depression, the paralysis of fear, the clutch of shame, the voices of anxiety, or the elusiveness of their identity & faith, his music is sure to give wings to those who have ever faced troubles & longed to soar above the clouds.
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