I have been playing guitar in So.Cal. for over 40 years. I was introduced to music at the age of 7 through classical piano. After a few years of piano, I found a love listening to hard rock. While listening to the likes of hard rock and many different genres, I decided to pick up the guitar. I modeled himself in the styles of Randy Rhoads, George Lynch, Phil Collen, Eddie Van Halen, Steve Vai and ...
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I have been playing guitar in So.Cal. for over 40 years. I was introduced to music at the age of 7 through classical piano. After a few years of piano, I found a love listening to hard rock. While listening to the likes of hard rock and many different genres, I decided to pick up the guitar. I modeled himself in the styles of Randy Rhoads, George Lynch, Phil Collen, Eddie Van Halen, Steve Vai and many other guitarist. My first studio experiences began when I had only been playing guitar for 2 years.

Artist I have worked with, Phil Collen (Def Leppard), C.G Ryche (Solo Album/IronWrath), Robert Sweet (Solo Project/Lithium X). Played in many bands, IronWrath(1988-1998), Solo projects (Lithium X) (HelnBak), (Stench), (Sevenfold Image), (Hour 11 / Hour Eleven), (Ryatt), (SOTL_VAPOR_SOLO Project), Now back with (IronWrath) 2019-Present.

All though the years I use Cubase, Reason, Protools, and others to do pre-production and final production all the bands and projects I mentioned.
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