In the heart of Honolulu, Thunder Studios Hawaii was born from the passion and expertise of its owner and Chief Engineer, Brian Thompson. With a Background as a professional musician, front of house engineer, tour manager, producton manager, and live sound aficionado, Brians Journey has led him to opening the doors of Thunder Studios Hawaii on August 1st, 2014.
At Thunder Studios Hawaii, we are...
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In the heart of Honolulu, Thunder Studios Hawaii was born from the passion and expertise of its owner and Chief Engineer, Brian Thompson. With a Background as a professional musician, front of house engineer, tour manager, producton manager, and live sound aficionado, Brians Journey has led him to opening the doors of Thunder Studios Hawaii on August 1st, 2014.
At Thunder Studios Hawaii, we are not just a recording studio; but a full service rehearsal, recording, mixing, and mastering facility. Our commintment to execellence is reflected in our four fully equipped rehearsal studios, complete with backline equipment, microphones, PA systems and Plug-Ins. Our state of the art setup revloves around a 16-track Unverisal Audio Apollo 16 running ProTools, complimented by top-notch pre-ams like SSL, Neve 511, Audient and ART!
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