Catchy lyric video for your song for $235

In Videos In Lyric Videos 100% Guarantee By Mlade Studio

Catchy lyric video for your song for $235

- We will create a free sample before any payment. You don't need to order full video if you don't like the sample

- $185 (promo price). Take advantage of thisopportunity and order a video at a low price.

With a focus on 2D animation, this package highlights key words in the song through dynamic animation. Backgrounds are kept simple to draw attention to the animated words, creating a visually engaging lyric video. The animation style can be adjusted to match the genre of your music and the lyrics. Whether you prefer a modern or artistic approach, this package offers a visually impressive representation of your music.

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  • Christian
  • EDM
  • Folk
  • Metal
  • Rock
  • Pop

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