Cello Recording - Classical, Pop, Etc. - Backing or Lead Instrumentals for $75

In Violin, Viola, Cello By Quinn Meanea

Cello Recording - Classical, Pop, Etc. - Backing or Lead Instrumentals for $75

I will record cello parts for your tracks, backing or lead parts. With almost a decade of cello experience, I can give you quality instrumentalism--both technically and emotionally. Please provide me with sheet music or chords to play.

My process: I will communicate with you, and we will discuss what you want from my playing, and then I will record three takes after which you can make any revisions you may want. We can repeat this process up to 3 times, after which you have permission to use any of the recordings provided for your track.

Along with my service fee, I request a percentage of master royalties from tracks featuring my recordings. Percentages are open for discussion.

  • Classical
  • Pop
  • Pop-Rock

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